Jinx! V1.0 release out now

After a long phase of testing, I think its time to offically release the version 1.0 as stable. We have reached a rich featureset and a high system stability, which is ready for productive use. There are only a few changes to the version 0.99a:

  • more optimization on metaballs and plasma
  • fix some more variable declarations to avoid crashes
  • some optical changes to grey out inactive controls inside the configure dialogs
  • fix some typos
  • optimize the rendering of the channel preview panes
  • actual output frame rate can be displayed in the titlebar (Menu View-> Display FPS or Shortcut F12)
  • new chase step type called „Random Scene“ which will select the next scene by a random generator. So you can make a chase which will randomly loop thru all your scenes with one easy step.

I will especially thank everyone who helped me to get Jinx! so far. All your testing, bug finding and ideas helped me a lot to get this job done. I hope you enjoy Jinx! v1.0.
So, lets see how the road to version 2.0 will look like 😉